Tuesday, January 17, 2023

3:30 - 5:00pm


DRAFT Agenda 

Agenda is subject to change

  • Call to order​

  • Approval of the agenda​

  • Review of the 2022 AGM minutes ​

  • Business arising from the 2022 AGM​

  • About Alberta Canola​

  • Nomination & election results​

  • 1st Call for a Region 10 director​

  • Alberta Canola activity update ​

  • 2nd Call for a Region 10 director​

  • Alberta Canola Financials​

  • Appointment of auditors​

  • 3rd and FINAL Call for a Region 10 director ​

  • Resolutions​

  • Bylaw Implementation Project​

  • Region 10 Election​

  • Acknowledgements​

  • Adjournment​


The submission deadline for resolutions to be presented at Alberta Canola's 32nd Annual General Meeting was January 10, 2023