Thursday, March 30, 2023
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Vegreville Suites
(formerly the Vegreville Pomeroy Hotel)
Vegreville, AB
there is no charge to attend this meeting
Join me for a coffee and donuts while getting the canola agronomy updates you need to be ready for the growing season!
Jeannette Andrashewski, Alberta Canola Region 4 Director
Key topics to be discussed include stand establishment, canola diseases, and insect pests to be watching for.
Plus whatever questions you want answers to!

Brittany Visscher
Research Director
Alberta Canola
Research Director
Alberta Canola

Clinton Jurke
Agronomy Director
Canola Council of Canada
Agronomy Director
Canola Council of Canada

Keith Gabert
Agronomy Specialist
Canola Council of Canada
Agronomy Specialist
Canola Council of Canada