Making the Grade is a hands-on grain grading workshop designed for farmers.


Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Time: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Location: Grande Prairie Regional College

Early bird pricing through February 14, 2020     $75.00
Regular pricing after February 14, 2020                   $100.00
Participants will be divided into small groups and will rotate through each of the four crop specific grading sessions.
Lunch is provided.

Registration opens at 8:30am with coffee served


Canola Grading - Judy Elias from Canadian Grain Commission will take you through the canola grading process including correct screening for dockage and assessing green seed. Angela Brackenreed from the Canola Council of Canada will discuss the harvest and storage management techniques that farmers can use to help them getting the best grade for their canola.

Wheat Grading - A representative from the Canadian Grain Commission will provide an overview of how the latest in wheat grading techniques such as falling number and mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON). Also, an overview on how to identify frost/heat damage, fusarium damage, mildew and sprouting. As well as provide producers insight into how they can protect their grade by using proper grain storage.

Barley GradingAlberta Barley will be bringing in Kevin Sich, Rahr Malting to help farmers identify grading issues such as chitting, sprouting, frost damage, ergot and kernel plumpness on how it effects their profitability, as well as tips and tricks on making malt quality.

Pulse GradingAPG's Nevin Rosaasen together with Tyler Schmidt from Cotecna agriculture, providing testing, inspection and grading services, will take you through the grading of field peas, faba beans and lentils. The presentation will share techniques and best management practices to minimize splits, cracks, staining and other quality parameters to maximize value for your pulse crops and ensure you make the grade!

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