Complimentary breakfast is served from 7:30 to 8:15am

Speakers from 8:00am to 10:00am


  1. Opening remarks 
    • Reg Warkentin, Government Relations & Policy Manager - Team Alberta Crops
  2. Geopolitics, trade risks, and market outlook
    • Aaron Goertzen, Director, Senior Economist - BMO
  3. Federal Election Outlook and Q&A
    • Mathew Preston, Manager, Government Relations - Canadian Strategy Group
  4. Team Alberta Policy Panel - Provincial Policy Update
    • Shannon Sereda, Director, Government Relations, Policy & Markets - Alberta Grains
    • Bijon Brown, Senior Policy Analyst, Alberta Canola 
    • Nevin Rosaasen, Sustainability & Government Relations - Alberta Pulse Growers
  5. Minister of Agriculture & Irrigation update 
    • Hon. R.J. Sigurdson, Minister of Agriculture & Irrigation - Government of Alberta
  6. Closing Remarks
    • Reg Warkentin, Government Relations & Policy Manager - Team Alberta Crops