Full Name
Jay Whetter
Job Title
Editor of Canola Digest and Communications Manager
Farm Name / Company
Canola Council of Canada
Speaker Bio
Jay Whetter is the editor of Canola Digest magazine and a communications manager with the Canola Council of Canada. Jay has been a farm journalist for 25 years, and won the Canadian Farm Writers Federation’s “Farm Writer of the Year” in 2021, the first year it was awarded. Jay grew up on a farm in southwest Manitoba and now lives in Kenora, Ontario
The Canola Council of Canada lured him away in 2010 to work on Canola Watch, the agronomy email, and Canola Digest, the canola growers’ magazine. He also continues to write for Country Guide. Jay was raised on a farm in southwest Manitoba and works from a home office in Kenora, Ontario.
Jay Whetter