Thursday, January 6, 2022
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM - ONLINE



In-Person Grower Engagement Meetings:


Lethbridge - November 17

Nisku - November 23

Grande Prairie - December 14

Online - January 6



Alberta is hosting a series of four in-person Grower Engagement meetings across Alberta and one online session.

These four meetings are replacing our twelve regional Powering Your Profit events. We also have an online version scheduled for early January.

The Grower Engagement Meetings will focus on Alberta Canola’s work specifically in the areas of research funding and the policy and advocacy work done on behalf of farmers. We will be seeking feedback on these key areas from you, the canola grower.

At the Grower Engagement Meetings, we will provide an update on the finances of your commission along with a preliminary budget leading up to the Alberta Canola Annual General Meeting on January 25, 2022.